Briefly about me
I'm an argentinian currently studying System Engineer in UTN. I've been using Smalltalk for the last 5 years, for teaching purposes and developing some things.
About my study
Currently studying System Engeneer in UTN, I did several courses in parallel of java, sql and oracle architecture in my early days :P, and i did my high school at Otto Krause, a tecnic high school in the system specialization
My interests
I'm interested in software evolution, tool building, a little in software usability.
My non-Smalltalk experiences so far
I've worked in the software industry for 7 years in Argentina, developing custom applications in several technologies like Java - including scala and groovy -, vb6, C, .net, php, python doing desktop, web and backend applications.
My Smalltalk experiences so far
I've used Smalltalk for 5 years to teach OOP in UTN-FRBA as a teacher assistant. In there, we are using a TOOL called LOOP we do in pharo to support teaching, and which won the 3rd price in the Innovation Technology Awards in the ESUG conference last year. Last year i participate in DBXTalk project with Guillermo Polito and Gisela Decuzzi using magritte, glorp and opendbx driver adaptor.
Why am I interested in Smalltalk?
Smalltalk is a beautiful language, that let's you do things you can't in other environments, such as exploratory programming. But it lacks of work and tools so corporate people takes it into account. I want to help a little bit on enhancing the smalltalk environment and tools.
Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?