Simply put, this is a framework for building presentations of a new generation. Somewhat similar to, but even more advanced in perspective. The emphasis is on supporting thinking processes, saving, evolving, presenting and sharing ideas.
Technical Details
A possible result for the project can be described as follows:
- an unbounded workspace that can be visualized and browsed with a camera metaphor (including panning, zooming, rotating operations)
- set of conventional graphics primitives to build presentations (like text, boxes, pictures, arrows, etc.)
- a capability to put any morph in the workspace
- creating paths for camera, animations
- tools to control presentation and change it "on-the-fly"
Morphic seems to be the main subject of the project at the current stage.
Benefits to the Student
The student will learn Morphic, practice in building GUI applications/frameworks, improve Smalltalk programming skills.
Benefits to the Community
- Morphic, GUI improvements
- Unbounded workspace conception looks great as a basis for future development environment
- Looking forward, popularize Smalltalk by presenting some benefits of its live object environment