Biography for Marcus Ihlar

Briefly about me

I am a 28 year old Swedish guy living in Stockholm and studying computer science at Uppsala University.

About my study

Im in my first year of the masters program in computer science at Uppsala. I have not chosen a predefined track for this program. Instead I have selected courses that I find interesting such as functional programming & advanced functional programming, parallel computing, programming theory, GUI programming and computer graphics. 

I took my bachelors degree in computer and systems science at Stockholm University.

My interests

Production and performance of (mainly electronic) music, programming, programming languages, expressiveness..

My non-Smalltalk experiences so far

Some languages which I have fairly good experience with: Java, C, Common Lisp, Standard ML, Erlang..

The largest programming project I've done is a simulation model developed for the Swedish Institute of Infectious Decease Control and the National board of Health and Welfare. It is a system dynamics model that simulates the spread of A(H1N1) flu and tests intervention policies.

Here is an old version as a Java applet:

And a small paper describing some experiments:


I've also worked as a teaching assistant on various programming courses at both Stockholm and Uppsala.

My Smalltalk experiences so far

During bachelor studies I took a course called Advanced issues in Object Orientation, this course included a part where we were to implement the board game Dungeonquest in Squeak. The year after I worked on the same course as a teaching assistant, then we used Pharo instead. 

Why am I interested in Smalltalk?

For me Smalltalk is one of the most interesting languages that I've encountered. I love the simple syntax and style of message passing, the consistency of the object model and all the high-level goodies that this enables. I also really enjoy the liveliness of working in a smalltalk environment.

Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?

Yes that is my intention.

Updated: 27.3.2012