Briefly about me
I´am 27 old student from the Czech Republic. Now, I'am living in Prague but I'am comming from small town Broumov in east Bohemia.
About my study
I'am study the final semester of Informatics at Faculty of Economics and Management at Czech University of Life Sciences.
My interests
I like sports in general. I like mountains and be outside the city.
My non-Smalltalk experiences so far
Java, C, C++, Spring, Hibernate, Netbeans, Sql, UML, SQL, OQL
My Smalltalk experiences so far
I pass one semester of smalltalk course, but it was more about OOP fundamentals. However, now I'am part of project for several czech banks in smalltalk programing language (Visual Age 6 and 7).
Why am I interested in Smalltalk?
Clear OOP. Good readibility of code. It's diferent than others.
Will I stay with Smalltalk after the project is finished?